Noble Schools’ Three Principles of School Culture – Part Two: Clear

Baker College Prep student sitting in classroom
Published On: May 13th, 2024Categories: 2024, Baker College Prep, Mansueto High School, Noble Updates, Staff

This is part of a series of blogs talking about Noble Schools’ three principles of school culture: clear, consistent, and connected. You can read Part One: Connected here.

Students excel when they have a firm grasp of boundaries and expectations. At Noble Schools, we prioritize ensuring that all staff members make academic and behavioral expectations clear, using easy-to-understand procedures, routines, and “what to do” directions in all spaces, including classrooms, hallways, lunchrooms, restrooms, and during arrival/dismissal.

Getting Clear at Noble

Nora Lawrence, principal of Mansueto High School, emphasizes the collaborative effort among teachers, paraprofessionals, and teacher assistants in providing clear instructions to students in classrooms.

“The expectation is that all students are engaged from bell to bell, and clear instructions are the first step in making that a reality,” Lawrence explained. “Once expectations are explicit, our team has the ability to circulate, provide feedback, check in with students, and continue to push for an urgent culture of learning.”

Clear expectations reduce confusion and provide a sense of order and purpose. When students understand what is expected of them in a variety of situations, they are better equipped to make responsible choices and engage positively.

Mary Arrigo, principal of Baker College Prep, highlights the collaborative efforts among teachers and support staff to establish and maintain clear expectations for scholarly behavior.

“Each week, we examine data about our scholar experience to identify potential areas of inconsistency so we can address these. Our leaders also observe classes and common spaces frequently and provide support to staff when necessary,” Arrigo said. “If a scholar breaches an expectation, you’ll see a staff member address this quickly in a way that minimizes disruption to learning and affirms the dignity of the student.”

Arrigo has seen the results of this practice across Baker’s classes. “When staff set clear expectations and consistently uphold them, they create a safe and predictable environment where clear boundaries enable scholars to thrive,” said Arrigo.

Stay tuned for the last part of our series where we will delve into the “consistent” aspect of our three C’s: “Consistency at Noble”.

Do our three principles of school culture resonate with you as an educator? Join us! Here are all of our available positions at campuses like Mansueto High School and Baker College Prep.

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