Mike Madden
About – Mike Madden
Mike Madden is the President of Noble Schools. Serving in his 15th year at Noble, he oversees the financial, operations, talent, HR, and data functions for an organization of over 12,000 students and 1,600 staff across 17 campuses. Nationally renowned for preparing its students—98% students of color and 89% from under-resourced communities—to be accepted to and graduate from college, Noble represents 12% of all CPS high schoolers.
Mr. Madden earned a Bachelors of Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters of Public Policy & Administration from Northwestern University. He also holds a professional certificate in Conscious Leadership and Team Management from the University of Chicago. Mike, his wife (Erica), their daughter (Erin), and dog (Rosie), live in downtown Chicago.
Why do you work at Noble?
I love being in service to an organization that makes a difference.
Who was your favorite teacher while growing up?
Mrs. Searls, my English teacher for my junior year in high school, remains one of the most impactful people in my life. Mrs. Searls taught me the power of the written word and that writing well is a lifelong pursuit. She did so with such compassion and clarity of purpose, though she was also the first teacher to give me seriously critical feedback. In fact, I received a failing grade on my first paper, which leveled me at the time. Mrs. Searls then worked with me for weeks after school to rebuild my confidence and impart to me the writing tips and techniques I still use today. She saw something in me I never knew existed, and to this day I credit Mrs. Searls with being the first person to show me that you learn more from your failures than your successes.
Favorite thing about Noble or favorite Noble moment?
My favorite thing about Noble is its unwavering and unapologetic commitment to providing our students with an equitable and positive school experience and to dismantling the racist policies and practices that continue to negatively impact people of color. I also love the people I am privileged to work with – they are the kindest, smartest, most dedicated professionals I’ve ever known!
What do you/your department do at Noble?
I run operations, which means I am responsible for much of what happens outside of teaching and learning at our campuses. The teams I oversee are listed below.
Campus Operations
Supports and continually improves the operational, administrative, and compliance processes of our campuses.
Facilities, Capital Planning, and Construction
Creates vibrant, beautiful, safe, and highly functional school buildings and outdoor areas and maintains over 1,000,000 square feet of school space across our 18 schools and Noble Day Care.
Food Service
Provides millions of high quality, nutritious, and tasty meals to our students each year through robust breakfast, lunch, and supper programs.
Information Technology
Provides and supports a technical infrastructure – including hardware, software, and network services – that is secure, safe, fast, resilient, and supports the needs of our thousands of students and staff.
Safety & Security
Creates systems and structures that provide our students and staff with a safe school environment and also supports our campuses through incidents as they arise.
Support Team Operations
Support the operational needs of Noble’s administrative functions.
Student Recruitment & Enrollment
Attracts new students to Noble through extensive outreach, marketing, and engagement activities as well as establishing authentic and trusting relationships with prospective students and families.
Start at Noble:
June 15, 2009, 13 years of service.
Oak Lawn, IL
University of Notre Dame (B.A. in Business Administration)
Northwestern University (M.A. of Public Policy & Administration)
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