CEO Constance Jones Speaks on Noble’s Advocacy Work in Springfield

Last year, Noble Schools was more active than ever in Springfield to advocate for our schools, students, staff, and families. Our CEO, Constance Jones, and the Government & Community Affairs team, alongside parents and students, showed up consistently to talk […]

August 7th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Constance Jones, Noble Updates|

Greek Day at Gary Comer College Prep

There’s no doubt that the Divine Nine sororities and fraternities have a big impact on Noble Schools. Several of our staff members—from first-year teachers to senior network leaders (including our CEO Constance Jones, our Head of Strategy & […]

Staff Spotlight: Meet Illie Benton, Alum and Second-Year Teacher at Butler College Prep

Illie Benton never imagined she would be standing in front of a classroom full of students in 2024—much less at her high school stomping grounds of Butler College Prep. Now, she can’t imagine doing anything else.


July 18th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Alumni, Butler College Prep, Campus Life, Staff|
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