Amanda Penden
Learning Specialist
About – Amanda Penden
Howdy! Her name is Amanda Peden and this is her first year at UIC College Prep and as a Learning Specialist! This is her 2nd year at Noble and She is excited to be amongst this community! She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Governors State University and began her career in Education at Chicago Public Schools. She was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago. Go Sox!! Her favorite trip ever has to be between New Orleans because She love to eat or Miami because She love to soak up the sun. She just got her passport a few months ago and can't wait to stamp it! Her favorite video game is probably Grand Theft Auto and She is looking forward to GTA6(whenever it comes out). Her favorite high school memory would always be receiving yearbooks before the school year ended. Senior year was the most notable because She won a lot of Class Notables. She is excited to be here at UIC and She is excited to work with all of you and create positive learning environments.