LaTanja Moody
9th Grade Algebra 1 Teacher
About – LaTanja Moody
Ms. Moody, 9th Grade Algebra 1 Teacher...She’s looking forward to this new school year, getting to know the incoming freshmen and seeing her advisees excel. She hopes to support great learning moments, fun school parties and great friendships building. She was born and raised in Philly but She’s visited 33 of our 50 states. She’s also lived two other Pennsylvania cities, the eastern shore of Maryland and California's bay area but now She call Chicago home. Her educational background is in Engineering but She started her second career in education over 19 years ago and choose to teach out UICCP to support urban education and helping our students to make a Positive Multi-Generational Change by equipping them with the math skills needed to choose their desired career path. Although She used to really be into video games when younger, setting the high scores around the neighborhood, she only has limited Wii skills now. She does however like puzzles, Sudoku and listening to a variety of audio books ranging from autobiographies to fantasy novels. Food wise, she loves a well baked banana pudding and mac & cheese from scratch and She like baking cookies during the holidays. Her goal this school year is to learn better ways to connect to this generation of students to improve our classroom learning via cultural connectivity for better engagement, understanding and live application.