Melinda Robledo
Administrative Assistant
About – Melinda Robledo
Her favorite trip would be going to Texas and celebrating her Great Grandma's 90th birthday. That was the first time in a while where all of her family from her mom’s side got together and She was able to reconnect and meet family for the first time. Her favorite high school memory would be having our sophomore sleepover. The sophomore class was able to spend the night at the school. We watched movies, ate pizza, had ice cream, and played hide and seek all over the school. The. principal was playing scary/creepy music over the intercom while we were playing to make it more fun. She works at UICCP because She'd like to think that She is helping families and students with making sure that any and all questions get answered. Being a part of their support system is also a nice feeling for her. She’s most excited for this school year is being away for 4 months She'll be coming back and meeting new people and reconnecting with staff She haven't seen in a while.