Shamiea Green-Hassan
Restorative Coach, Noble Support Team
About – Shamea Green-Hassan
Shamiea Green-Hassan joined Noble in 2013 and is the Manager of the Dean of Culture Support. Within her 10-year tenure at NST and MCP, Shamiea has held both culture and instructional roles, but transitioned into Assistant Principal from Dean of Engagement before joining the district to support Deans of Culture restorative practices. Mrs. Green-Hassan has also coached both Varsity Girls Basketball and JV Boys Basketball. Additionally, Mrs. Green-Hassan was able to graduate her first advisory spring 2017. Prior to joining the Noble, Shamiea earned her B.A and M.Ed in Instructional Leadership-Policy Studies while playing Division I basketball at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She recently completed her Juris Doctor from the University of Illinois at Chicago John Marshall Law School in 2020 and officially passed the rigorous Bar exam this summer. Shamiea is committed to providing a more engaging, constructive, and well-rounded scholar experience rooted in equitable outcomes for all children.