Tanisha Hall
ITW David Speer Academy
About – Tanisha Hall
Tanisha Hall is Chicago born and bred. Both she and her husband are products of the Chicago Public School system and first generation college students. She is passionately committed to tackling the debris of inequity that has littered the path to quality education and college access for Black and Brown students alike. Tanisha is entering her 12th year at Noble. Before she began at Noble, Tanisha was a stay at home wife and mother of 3, serving her children’s school community in various capacities. She re-entered the workforce in 2011 as a substitute teacher for the network. She is currently entering her 8th year as an English I teacher at Speer Academy and her 2nd year as a Grade Level Lead. She guides her classes with Love and Joy at its epicenter. Her compassion for her students and their success is palpable. She understands that building deep bonds and centering student voice is paramount in the work she does. She espouses the sage words of the iconic Dr. Marian Edelman Wright: It’s hard to be what you can’t see. She knows that as a Black woman, her presence at the helm of her classroom matters profoundly. Tanisha was deeply honored at being recognized as a 2020 Distinguished Teacher; additionally, she was selected by her peers as the 2021 Teacher of the Year at her campus. She is excited to embrace this sacred space to share and grow.