Wildanette (Danette) Mollfulleda
Dean of Students, Muchin College Prep
Hi there! My name is Wildanette Mollfulleda (most folks call me Danette), and I am one of the Deans of Students at Muchin College Prep. I have been at Muchin since 2016, and I started as the Assistant Dean of Students before transitioning to the Dean of Students role in 2019. As the Dean of Students, I am responsible for our scholar’s promotion, engagement, and overall experience.
Before Muchin, I spent nine years on the operations and registration teams in Higher Education in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. I have witnessed the inequities scholars of color face in Higher Education, and I believe the lack of preparedness is leading to poor outcomes. Seeing those inequities drives me in my current work.
Being a servant at heart, I wake up every day and choose to do this work with purpose and intent. I fully believe in our mission and commit to crafting the best experience possible for our scholars and staff. My strengths lie in connectedness, relationship building, and harmony. I want Muchin College Prep to be where scholars and staff feel welcomed, heard, and valued.