NOBLE ARCHIVES Category: Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy

Noble Schools’ Commitment to Equity: Meet the Leaders in Our Equity Quotient Cohort

At Noble Schools, we continue to be committed to equity and our Anti-Racism Commitment. Especially as we navigate these unpredictable times together, we won’t stop doing the hard work to ensure our students have positive, equitable experiences in our […]

The Arts Make A Comeback at Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy

Arts at Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy are making a major comeback. Art electives made a return last year after four years and have grown even more this year with four completely filled art classes. Now, it’s inspiring […]

Meet Brenda Cora, Noble Schools’ New CEO

Brenda Cora, a proud Noble Street College Prep alumna and dedicated staff member, stepped into the role of chief executive officer of Noble Schools this month. With 18 years of service in various positions—from teaching at Rowe-Clark Math […]

Meet Noble Schools’ Principals (Part Two)

This is the second part of a series featuring all of Noble Schools’ principals. If you haven’t yet, check out the first part which featured the principals of DRW College Prep, Muchin College Prep, Johnson College […]

Alum Spotlight: Quintarus White from Rowe Clark Math & Science Academy

Quintarus “Quinn’” White, a 2023 alum of Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy, never thought college could be an option for him. Throughout most of his life, college was something just occasionally discussed by teachers and school staff— it […]

March 22nd, 2024|Categories: 2024, Alumni, Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy|
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