Noble Schools: Relay Residency Program
Relay Residency Program
The Teaching Residency is a two-year program where educators have the opportunity to participate in a year-long apprenticeship under the guidance and direction of a mentor teacher before transitioning into a lead teaching position in the second year of the program. This program is designed for individuals who want to enter the teaching profession, and are looking for the support, training, and feedback required in becoming a highly effective teacher. Our residents join a selective cohort of diverse and talented future teachers committed to educational justice.
Noble provides Tuition assistance for both years enrolled in Relay Graduate School of Education.
Build your teaching skills, get a dedicated mentor, and earn your masters in 2 years while getting paid.
License Options
Special Education (most undergraduate majors qualify), Secondary Math, Biology, & Chemistry
What’s The Program Like?

Maria Figueroa
Noble Street College Prep
“I am really glad for the Relay Teaching Residency and the impact it has had on me as a teacher. I have found so many connections between what I have been learning in our sessions and what I do as a learning specialist.”
My Role
Residents at Noble typically fill a teacher’s assistant (TA) or paraprofessional role, and their responsibilities include providing one-on-one support to students, providing direct instruction to small groups of students, co-teaching, and filling in as substitute teachers.
Over the course of the program, you will build your teaching skills with guidance from your Relay professors and a designated mentor at your school. Throughout your first year as a teaching resident, you’ll gradually gain responsibility by leading small groups of students through lessons until you are ready to instruct a whole class.
Am I Eligible?
What’s The Process Look Like?
- Submit Noble’s Application
- Submit Offical Transcripts to Relay
- Phone Interview
- Video Interview
- Final Interview
- Reference Check
- Offer

Have Questions?
Amy Gonzalez
Sr. Talent Acquisition Specialist
Happy to help! Book some time with me here.