This is part of a series of blogs from Noble campus representatives to give a deeper look at campus life.
This is the last semester for our seniors across all Noble schools. These last few months will be a whirlwind of prepping for graduation, celebrating, and reminiscing about their time in high school. One senior at UIC College Prep (UICCP) is sharing a bit about his story.
Ulises remembers walking into freshmen orientation in 2019 and being hit with the reality check of knowing that he was a teenager who was about to start high school. He was nervous about what the year may bring– he only knew a few other students from his elementary school. Unfortunately, just as he was starting to get into the swing of high school, the world was swept up in the COVID pandemic at the end of Ulises’ freshman year. He was in remote learning for a year and a half until UICCP reopened its doors for in-person learning at the start of his junior year. It was an exciting time to be back and to see friends, Ulises said. Now, he’s nearing the end of his high school career. Check out some of his thoughts about his time at UICCP:
Q: What is one person/event that you’ll miss after graduating from UICCP?
A: “I have a couple of people I’ll miss. One is Mr. Chavez. He is someone I could talk to without having to worry because he is very welcoming. If you’re having a bad day, he will make you happy. Sometimes, he asks me about how my day is. It is little things like that that keep me going through the day.
Mr. Brady, my favorite teacher, is also another person I could talk to. He was very understanding and accommodating of everyone’s situation when returning to in-person learning. Lastly, Ms. Escobedo is really cool and I can also talk to her. With all of these people, I feel like I can be myself; especially Mrs. Hipps– how could I forget about her? She is like a second mother to me because she’s my advisor.
One event that I will miss is Winter Speculator, the annual Firecat talent show, because of how fun and joyful it is to bond with our advisories for the annual advisory door decorating competition.”
Q: Can you tell us about a specific moment when you felt like you belonged at UICCP?
A: “I have never felt like I didn’t belong.”
Q: What stood out as unique to you about UICCP?
A: “One thing that stood out is how small UICCP is – so I am able to form connections. College seminar is also a really nice class that I believe sets us apart from other high schools because it prepares us for college and supports us in the college application process. Advisory is really cool, too, as I have been able to form bonds with people who I didn’t think I would.”
Q: During your high school career, who was/is your favorite teacher and why?
A: “Mr. Brady and Ms. Hipps are my favorite teachers. I love that Mr. Brady still continues to check up on me; regardless of not being in his class. Ms. Hipps does, too. I also see how other students come and meet with Ms. Hipps. She puts situations into perspective and speaks the truth.”
Q: What was/is one of your favorite enrichments that you’ve taken at UICCP and why?
A: “Well, I am very excited to travel abroad to Greece and I love exploring, so I know I will be enjoying it a lot.”
If you’re a current senior at Noble Schools who also wants to share about your high school journey on the blog, feel free to reach out to our blog manager, Mx. Oliver, at moliver@nobleschools.org!