Erin Morgan
11th Grade English Teacher
About – Erin Morgan
I grew up in the southwest suburbs of Chicago in a small town called Homer Glen. I went to Lockport Township Highschool. I ran cross country and track in high school and college at DePaul University where I studied secondary education in English. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher-- I love the idea of constantly learning and working in a profession that challenges me every day and works with our youth and the next generation. I am an avid reader and love to travel. My favorite place to travel is in Europe. I lived in Barcelona for a year out of college teaching English as a Second Language. I'm really excited for this school year as a fresh start as last school year was a huge adjustment coming back from remote learning. A goal I have for my firecats this year is for them to feel like our school and my classroom is a place they want to be in, engage, and be themselves.