Collage of four photos of Baker's electives. The first photo on the top left is a photo of students playing the guitar. The students are reading off the music sheets. The picture next to it is a photo of a student drawing. The student is drawing a photo of a scene from Spongebob Squarepants. The image below it is a student holding a trumpet. He is holding it as he poses for the camera. There is another student behind him playing the trumpet. The last photo, next to the previous one, is a photo of two students on the chromebook learning about software engineering. The students are focused and have their faces to the laptop. The collages have a blue overlay on them. The title of the blog states "Take a Tour of Baker's Electives" surrounded by yellow bordering. On the bottom right side of the image, the Noble schools logo is present.
Published On: July 27th, 2023Categories: 2023, Baker College Prep, Campus Life, Staff, Students

This is part of a series of blogs from Noble campus representatives to give a deeper look at campus life.

Baker College Prep started with only one elective when we were founded in 2013 — choir. After choir, we slowly added drama, guitar, and then computer science. But this past school year, we were able to make some awesome partnerships and offer a record number of six electives!

“Our Bobcats have such a wide variety of amazing talents and passions. It was important that we make partnerships with outside organizations so that we could allow our students to explore those interests through different electives throughout the school day,” said Adrienne Hoopingarner, the Dean of Students at Baker, “It has been so great to see our students thrive in all sorts of ways- whether it be learning how to jam out on a drum set or learn how to create amazing art pieces!”

In the summer, scholars are asked before school which electives they would prefer. Since we are still a smaller school, some scholars will not get the elective they choose, but there will be other opportunities to experience their choice throughout the school year.

Here is a sneak peak at some of the electives we added this last school year:


Students are sat in their chairs in a circle. The students are wearing their Baker school graphic tee. The instructor is wearing a read shirt and gray dress pants. The students and instructor are holding their guitar upright on top of their knees.

Students learn about classical guitar in their Guitar Lead class.

Baker has worked with Lead Guitar for three years now to offer our guitar class. Pre-pandemic, we hosted Lead Guitar as an elective class for two years. This year, we reinstated it. Scholars learn classical guitar with a master teacher from Lead Guitar. This is an every other day course. Here’s what two students who took the class this past school year said about it:

Lance | Rising Junior

Why did you sign up for Guitar?

“I just wanted to learn how to play the guitar. I knew it would be a new environment for me and it sounded like an interesting topic.”

How did you feel about the class?

“I feel good about it. We learned a lot of songs. It is not hard, but it’s intriguing. It’s opened up new doors for my future. Something I can put on a future scholarship application.”

Describe your favorite moment:

“I was able to play a whole song without looking at the guitar or others and I was in the zone. It made me feel good.”

Tavin | Rising Junior

Why did you sign up for Guitar?

“I just wanted to try guitar and I wanted to try something new.”

Describe your favorite moment:

“When we were clapping for rhythm practice. I liked it because it was simple and easy and it does help when playing the rhythm in the guitar.”

How do you like your Lead Guitar Teacher?

“Mr. Fabricio is very helpful and a cool instructor. He lets us explore and practice with the guitar.”


Students are spread out as they learn new choreography from their dance instructor. The students are wearing comfortable clothing. Students who are visible are wearing Baker graphic tees and jogging pants. The instructor leads the class as she wears a bright blue shirt and black shorts.

Students are learning a new dance in their Forward Momentum Dance.

Baker has had a dance team as an enrichment program after school for about 7 years. But this is the first time in Baker’s history that dance is offered as an elective during the school day. Forward Momentum Dance is an every other day course. The scholars have performed at our town halls and during sports events. Hear from two of the dancers about the class:

Perria | Rising Junior

Were you able to choose this elective?

“No, they just gave it to me, but I was happy. I’ve been dancing since I was 5. I’ve done majorette, hip hop, and a little bit of ballet.”

How do you feel about the class?

“This is one of my favorite classes. I love dance class. It helps me escape from all my troubles and worries. It is like my safe space.”

Describe a typical class:

“We learn new choreography. We can use the time to catch up. If we had a performance, we would go over pros and cons and work on those. It’s every other day, but I wish it was an everyday class. The Forward Momentum Dance teacher is very patient and understanding. Let’s say some people have ‘two left feet’ — she won’t snap if you don’t get it, she’ll help you until you get it. She is very motivational. Giving up was not an option for her.”

Describe your favorite moment:

“All of the moments, honestly. Always good vibes in there, nothing bad happening.”

The dance performing at Baker's town hall. The students are in the middle of their dance routine as their on stage. The crowd is filled with students, teachers, and other staff members. The dancers are wearing a gray skirt with different graphic sweaters on. The graphics on the sweaters aren't readable.

The dance class performing at a Baker town hall.

Naomi | Rising Junior

Were you able to choose this elective?

“Yes, I signed up in August. I enjoy dancing and I think it motivates me. It brings me out of my shy zone, too.”

How do you feel about the class?

“I feel good. We all come together and we all help each other. We become closer by dancing. If you need help on a dance, they’ll help you (the other dancers and the teacher). When we were about to perform, we were so shy but then we all started laughing. It helped me not be nervous and just have fun.”

Advice for a future dance student:

“Don’t be nervous! Our love will be there for you not to be nervous.”


A sophomore student is pictured drawing in their SkyArt class. The students face is not visible but the student has pink headphone over their neck. The student also has a grayish-blue school shirt on. The student is currently tracing their pencil drawing with a artist pen. The drawing looks to be a scene of Spongebob Squarepants.

Student traces their drawing with an artist's pen in their SkyArt class.

SkyART has provided enrichment after school opportunities for our Bobcats since we opened our doors, but it was never offered as a class during the day. This last school year, we changed that. SkyART is offered to all grade levels and is an every other day course. Hear from two of our SkyART students:

Madison | Rising Junior

Did you sign up for SkyART?

“Originally no, but I was always interested in art, so when I got the chance to switch classes, I did because it is more up to date with something I’m used to. I enjoy tech a lot (switched from Computer Science to Art) but I like letting creativity out. When I draw, I let myself loose and I can draw whatever comes to mind.”

How is the SkyART program?

“SkyART has different types of things you can classify as art — clay, painting, art history. We learned how to be ourselves and let out the creativity that you have. We have open studios when we have a free day to do whatever comes to mind — like even hair on dolls and face painting.”

What are some things you are learning?

“We’ve been learning about famous artists. In February, we learned about famous women artists. I also submitted a whole page of art. Essentially, we’ve been learning how to be creative and use the tools in the workspace. Something I learned from SkyART: Art is a reflection of your mind and what you have inside of it.”

Jaylen | Rising Junior

Did you sign up for SkyART?

“I originally signed up for SkyART because I like to experience new things. I like to show off my emotions in art.”

Describe your favorite moment:

“We created a collage. It was my favorite because of the aesthetic. It was Kanye-themed. I made it around his new single, Easy. These lyrics stuck out to me: ‘When you give them everything they only want more’. The collage represented myself and how I connected to Kanye’s song and this specific lyric.”


Two students are visible working on their computer in their Computer Science-Project Stem-Amazon Future Engineer course. The students are wearing their Baker uniform. One student is wearing a mask on his face. The other student, closest to the camera, is not. The two are both sitting one desk apart in the classroom.

Students working hard in their Computer Science course.

This program started during the school year 2019/2020. One of our veteran teachers applied for a grant that allowed us to share this program and class with our scholars at no cost to our school! The Amazon Future Engineer course has been offered to all scholars. It is an every other day course. Hear from two of our students about the course:

Janiece | Rising Junior

How did you like the class?

“Good, it’s calm and chill. I feel like the work isn’t too hard. I like that you can go at your own pace. We don’t do the program as a whole class.”

What did you learn about?

“I like the math parts of coding. There are a lot of resources on computers and they work in so many different ways. The simple fact is to input different variables into coding. (strings vs. numbers)”

Do you feel like taking this class will help you in your future?

“I feel like it will help. In the hospital I may have to put some information in and if I’m dealing with medicine, the math will help and understand how computers work better.”

Demetrious | Rising Junior

Did you sign up for Computer Science?

“Yes, I signed up for computer science because I thought it would be kind of fun to learn to code. My granddad coded for his job. He said it was easy so I wanted to try. It is kind of fun once you learn how to do it.”

How do you like the class and what have you learned?

“I like this class. The teacher is very helpful and I try my best. I learned how to do the code practice and I like it. It teaches you but sometimes you are self-taught. I like that it is also self-paced because it gives you a little bit more time to think and process.”

Advice for someone who wants to take Computer Science:

“You gotta be prepared. You can’t just joke off with this. You have to watch the videos because the coding is very specific. You can’t mess up one symbol or word.”


A student is standing holding their trumpet in their jazz class. The student is wearing a Baker graphic tee and black pants. The student is holding the trumpet with his right hand and left. The student is inside an orchestra/music room with music sheets on the stands. There is another student behind the first student but their face is not visible.

A student is posing with a trombone in their Jazz course.

This last school year was the first year we’ve ever offered a band of any sort! Jazz band has been a hit with our scholars and community! This is an every day course where a master teacher from Jazz Empowers is present every day — growing our scholar’s musical talents. Our band performed at every town hall and celebration! Hear from Christopher, an upcoming sophomore, about his experience in the class:

Did you sign up for Jazz?

“Yes, I chose Jazz. I was interested in learning about music. Growing up, I didn’t listen to music that much but, now that I’m older, I’ve taken more of an interest in it. I like listening to different songs. A mix of ‘old-timey’ and newer songs.”

How do you like it?

“It is good. Though I am thinking of switching to art or drama. I’m trying to get more into art. I am happy I tried Jazz. I actually learned how to play some instruments like the trombone.”

Describe your performances:

“They are good. Sometimes people get nervous but not really because they play a bit lower than they usually would. They sound great still because we use the notes that we were taught and we have a cheat code — it makes the solo sound better, even if you don’t know what you are doing.”


Baker also has a Drama elective! Check out a more extensive feature on it here.

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The blog cover has two images in it. The first image shows the tuba players going down a party hall. The next image shows the dancers practicing their dance routine inside Golder prep. The images have a blue overlay over them. On the bottom left side of the image is the title of the blog 'Golder bands together through Music & community' surrounded by yellow bordering. On the bottom right hand side of the image, the Noble schools logo is present.Golder College Prep Bands Together Through Music & Community
The image is a photo of Jasmine at prom. She is wearing a long, black sparkly dress. She has her hair to her left side of her face. She is sitting on a bench where the prom is located. The image has a navy blue overlay over it. On the bottom left side, the title states "The Part of Me They Don't See" surrounded by yellow bordering. Below it, there is a white ribbon that says "By Jasmine Carmona | Bulls Prep Alum, Class of 2023." On the bottom right side of the image, the Noble schools logo is present.The Part of Me They Don't See

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