The Board of Directors for Noble Schools is comprised of professionals with extensive years of business, nonprofit, and educational experience. All of Noble’s key supporters, including parents, campus naming donors, and representatives from key foundations and corporations, are represented on our Board. Directors are elected to one-year, renewable terms. To contact the Noble Board of Directors, reach out to

The next meeting of the Noble Schools Board of Directors will take place on Wednesday, June 18, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The Q4 Audit & Finance Committee meeting will take place beforehand from 8:30 – 9:30 am at the same location. The public is welcome to attend all meetings of the Noble Schools Board of Directors and its committees, and public participation shall be governed by the Board-approved Public Participation Policy. Public comment is limited to a total of 45 minutes, and spots to speak are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Public registration will open on Monday, June 16, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. To register as an observer or speaker for the Noble Schools Q4 Board Meeting or the Q4 Audit & Finance Committee meeting, return to this page at that time.


Priscilla Centeno

Secretary, Noble Schools Board of Directors

Associate Attorney, Odelson, Murphey, Frazier & McGrath, Ltd.

Noble Alumna, Noble Street College Prep

Harriette Coleman

WIOA Program Director, Alternative School Network, Inc.

Noble Schools Parent, UIC College Prep

Jose De La Rosa

Interim Board Chair, Noble Schools Board of Directors

Executive Director, Enterprise Strategy & Planning, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

Dr. Aarti Dhupelia

Vice Chair, Noble Schools Board of Directors

Executive Vice Chancellor & Chief Student Experience Officer, City Colleges of Chicago

Jenis Ellingwood

Trader, DRW Trading

Jasmine Hernandez

Founder, Ubuntu Strategies

Noble Alumna, Pritzker College Prep

Julie Hoffmann

Founder + CEO, JH Philanthropy

Emmanuel Jackson*

Distinguished Teacher, Noble Schools

College Seminar Teacher and College Counselor, Muchin College Prep

Gautam Kumar

Treasurer, Noble Schools Board of Directors

Growth Advisor and Former CFO

Dr. Marlena Little

Principal, Dr. King Academy of Social Justice

Noble Schools Parent, Chicago Bulls College Prep

Jeri Mack

Health Education and Intervention Manager, Chicago Partnerships for Health Promotion

Noble Schools Parent, Hansberry College Prep

Nancy Mills


Allan Muchin*

Chairman Emeritus, Noble Schools Board of Directors

Chairman Emeritus, Katten Muchin Rosenman

Troy Ratliff

Vice President, The Joseph Kellman Family Foundation

Jonathan Reinsdorf

Chief Executive Officer, FroogalPay, LLC

Steve Sullivan

Vice President, NAI Hiffman, Inc.

Dr. Nikos Varelas

Vice Provost and Liberal Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago

David Weinberg

Founder, Illinois Network of Charter Schools

Founding Board Member

*Non-voting members


If you have any questions, please contact us at

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