NOBLE ARCHIVES Category: Academics at Noble

The Arts Make A Comeback at Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy

Arts at Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy are making a major comeback. Art electives made a return last year after four years and have grown even more this year with four completely filled art classes. Now, it’s inspiring […]

Student Spotlight: Meet Kajiha Reed from Gary Comer College Prep

Kajiha Reed, a 12th-grader at Gary Comer College Prep, loves learning the Mandarin language. She started learning the language while at the middle school site and has continued with her high school classes. Last year, she even participated […]

December 9th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Academics at Noble, Campus Life, Gary Comer College Prep, Students|

Greek Day at Gary Comer College Prep

There’s no doubt that the Divine Nine sororities and fraternities have a big impact on Noble Schools. Several of our staff members—from first-year teachers to senior network leaders (including our CEO Constance Jones, our Head of Strategy & […]

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