Noble Schools Place in Top 10% Across All U.S. High Schools
U.S. News & World Report has published their 2023 rankings of top public high schools in the nation, recognizing seven Noble schools in the top 10% of U.S. high schools. In addition, 11 Noble schools were ranked in the top 35 high schools within CPS; in fact, all Noble high schools are ranked in the top half of CPS.
Baker College Prep Rolls Out New College Scholarship
Baker College Prep is rolling out a new college fund for EVERY student from the Class of 2026 and beyond that comes through their doors. No special application, no essay, no GPA requirements.
Johnson College Prep Launches Speaker Series for Girls & Women
“What I need you to trust and know is that it is a process, and you, too, can get to the other side. Because, actually, you’re not becoming a diamond – you always was one.”
Jennifer Reid Davis, the […]
The Part of Me They Don’t See
How does it feel to have an invisible disability? To many, I live a perfect life. I have a wonderful family, a supportive boyfriend, and my caring pets. However, underneath all of that, my disability is a major part of my identity, and I feel like it deeply explains me and my life. No one can see what is “wrong” with me* – they only see the parts of me that are considered “normal” in our world. However, I want to share the other part of me – part of me that our world often ignores.
UIC College Prep’s Black Student Union Builds Community
This is part of a series of blogs from Noble campus representatives to give a deeper look at campus life. Unity is to be joined as a whole. A union is a club or association established by people with the […]
Meet Chicago Bulls College Prep’s Founding Debate Coach
“I think knowledge is cool. I think learning new things is cool.”
Haiyen Truong, an AP U.S. History teacher and debate team coach at Chicago Bulls College Prep, lives by these words. We got a chance to sit down with her, […]