NOBLE ARCHIVES Category: Equity at Noble

Noble Schools Place in Top 10% Across All U.S. High Schools

U.S. News & World Report has published their 2023 rankings of top public high schools in the nation, recognizing seven Noble schools in the top 10% of U.S. high schools. In addition, 11 Noble schools were ranked in the top 35 high schools within CPS; in fact, all Noble high schools are ranked in the top half of CPS.

September 13th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Constance Jones, Equity at Noble, Noble In The News, Noble Updates|

The Part of Me They Don’t See

How does it feel to have an invisible disability? To many, I live a perfect life. I have a wonderful family, a supportive boyfriend, and my caring pets. However, underneath all of that, my disability is a major part of my identity, and I feel like it deeply explains me and my life. No one can see what is “wrong” with me* – they only see the parts of me that are considered “normal” in our world. However, I want to share the other part of me – part of me that our world often ignores.

Meet Chicago Bulls College Prep’s Founding Debate Coach

“I think knowledge is cool. I think learning new things is cool.”

Haiyen Truong, an AP U.S. History teacher and debate team coach at Chicago Bulls College Prep, lives by these words. We got a chance to sit down with her, […]

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