NOBLE ARCHIVES Category: Alumni

Noble Street College Prep Alum Brings Fashion to Her Community

Karina Estada graduated from Noble Street College Prep in 2009. She always wanted to be her own boss, so she opened Dear Me, an online fashion boutique, with her twin brother. Now, she’s trying to change the game for Latina women in fashion. Read more about her journey.

October 10th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Alumni, Latinx Heritage Month, Noble Street College Prep|

The Part of Me They Don’t See

How does it feel to have an invisible disability? To many, I live a perfect life. I have a wonderful family, a supportive boyfriend, and my caring pets. However, underneath all of that, my disability is a major part of my identity, and I feel like it deeply explains me and my life. No one can see what is “wrong” with me* – they only see the parts of me that are considered “normal” in our world. However, I want to share the other part of me – part of me that our world often ignores.

No Word Goes Unspoken: A Zine about Education & Autism

In school, I struggled with speaking and making friends. I didn’t know when it was the right time to speak so I would stay quiet until I was called on. I stayed quiet during advisory, gym, English, and lunch. Even on the bus and train ride home, I stayed silent. The same applied to making friends - I gained friends only when other people spoke to me and I was interested in their conversation. For the longest time, I assumed I had intense social anxiety… until I learned that I had Autism.

May 30th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Alumni, Autism Acceptance Month, Chicago Bulls College Prep|
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