NOBLE ARCHIVES Category: Noble Updates

CEO Constance Jones Speaks on Noble’s Advocacy Work in Springfield

Last year, Noble Schools was more active than ever in Springfield to advocate for our schools, students, staff, and families. Our CEO, Constance Jones, and the Government & Community Affairs team, alongside parents and students, showed up consistently to talk […]

August 7th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Constance Jones, Noble Updates|

Noble Schools’ Three Principles of School Culture – Part Two: Clear

This is part of a series of blogs talking about Noble Schools’ three principles of school culture: clear, consistent, and connected. You can read Part One: Connected here.

Students excel when they have a firm grasp of boundaries and […]

May 13th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Baker College Prep, Mansueto High School, Noble Updates, Staff|

Hansberry College Prep Celebrates New Gym Renovation

When Victor B., a junior and basketball player at Hansberry College Prep, first walked into the recently renovated gymnasium, he felt like he was in somebody else’s space. The once cramped, dimly-lit space was transformed—new bleachers, floors, and […]

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