Being a part of the Noble Street College Prep staff community is special—our teachers, administrators, and staff are unique, caring, and hardworking people who know how to go with the flow. Many of our teachers at the OC have been around for 8+ years, so when a new teacher comes in, we want to know what they’re all about! This year, we welcomed a new STEM teacher.
Cameron Forsythe comes to us from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, Class of 2023. He has a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies with a minor in technology & business and joined Noble as the newest STEM course teacher. Mr. Forsythe teaches all STEM for all grade levels.
We’re excited to have Forsythe join the Noble Street community. Get to know more about him:
Q: Why did you choose to work at Noble Street?
A: “When I interviewed at Noble, I was told that the atmosphere would be like something I had never experienced before, and I wasn’t let down. Every single person I saw said hi and made me feel welcome. I remember for part of the day I was there, I was left in a room on my own, and before I knew it, I was eating donuts and talking with the rest of the staff about our favorite Nintendo games.
Once the demo lesson part of the interview started, the program I wanted to use didn’t work on the Chromebooks. The financial literacy students who I was giving a computer science lesson to didn’t stop engaging, though. Instead, they worked with me to solve the issues, and when we couldn’t, they were flexible with what I was going to do for the lesson plan.
I could tell that the OC had a culture that fostered people’s growth. From the students to the faculty, the atmosphere was so welcoming and continues to be so.”
Q: Growing up, who was your favorite teacher?
A: “Growing up, my favorite teacher was a woman named Mrs. Ziegler. She was one of the best listeners I’ve ever known and definitely inspired me to be a more empathetic person. She was my Spanish teacher, and I remember her always genuinely making sure she heard every student when they spoke. Learning a foreign language is not easy, but she curated such safety in her classroom, and that is what I strive to have in mine.
Q: What brings you joy?
A: “My friends and family. I love gaming, too. Sometimes, I like to stay in and play Rocket League all weekend! Even when I don’t feel like going out, I rarely regret it. I’m a firm believer that having a healthy social circle is one of the keys to happiness.”
Q: What is your favorite teaching moment so far?
A: “Although I have only been a teacher for about 6 months at Noble, most of my favorite moments have been when my planned lesson plans are executed as planned. That’s a big win! It doesn’t happen often because a lot of teaching is changing things on the spot–I have learned–but with the help of my coach, I feel a bit more successful each day.”
Q: What is a specific gift or talent that makes you a great teacher?
A: “Lately, it’s hard to tell, and that’s not me being humble. I used to think it was planning, but my students are getting lost in the systems I have put in place, and it might be time to look the man in the mirror on that one. Perhaps it’s my ability to take feedback and implement changes. I have actually implemented changes, mainly with self-guided learning, and it has really helped. My favorite teaching moments are when I can turn student feedback into something that will benefit the classroom and hear that they are enjoying the new changes.”
Q: Why is education so important?
A: “A choice-filled life is the best way I’ve ever heard it described. It encapsulates everything my parents were trying to tell me growing up. Taking education seriously provides opportunities not only in the work but also in the people you end up meeting.”
Q: What is some advice you can give alumni who are wrapping up their college experience?
A: “Embrace the chance to help others when it’s easy for you but makes a difference for them. This sounds like basic advice, but I used to miss opportunities like this all the time.
Networking, to me, felt like a cringe word, but it is something I naturally did and wish I made a better effort to do professionally. Go to career fairs, add people on LinkedIn, do someone a favor, or make a genuine connection with someone at a party. You are going to meet so many great people when you enter the workforce, and it’s really important not to neglect these socialization skills, even if you plan on working at the same place for 20 years. Getting along with your colleagues and bosses goes a long way
Lastly, finish strong. If you are thinking of becoming a teacher, just know that you won’t be bored. Being a teacher requires patience and persistence. As a working adult, I’ve learned this year that my values have become more important to me at a faster rate than ever before.”
You can find Mr. Forsythe in his classroom on the third floor. He is often seen greeting all of his students and staff at the door and making sure everyone is seen. He is looking forward to spending time with his family this summer back in Indiana.