A Glimpse into Ms. Swain’s AP English Classroom at ITW David Speer Academy
How do you measure the impact of an educator? A classroom? A curriculum? In Rachel Swain’s 11th-grade Advanced Placement (AP) […]
Muchin College Prep’s Latine/x Student Alliance Grows as a Space for Celebrating Identity
When Jocelyn Murillo and Gloria Ponce, two staff members at Muchin College Prep, were asked to lead the Latine/x Scholar Alliance (LSA) affinity group at their campus last year, they were hesitant. Thoughts spiraled through their heads as […]
Chicago Bulls College Prep Students Express Themselves at Open Mic Night
Salvador Dali, a renowned Spanish realist artist, once said, “A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.” At Chicago Bulls College, the Fine Arts Department encourages students to step out of their comfort zone […]
Noble Street College Prep’s Culture Team Builds Bonds and Fosters Student Success
Every morning, Noble Street College Prep Culture Team members stand in the hallways and set the tone for the day. Mr. Smith gives fist bumps to students as they walk to their class. Ms. Solis helps students stay […]
Two Comers Become One: The Future of Gary Comer College Prep
This school year, Noble Schools’ Gary Comer College Prep (GCCP) campuses are fulfilling their promise to the Grand Crossing neighborhood that they made in 2011—to provide a continuous, holistic education from 6th to 12th grade. In the spring, Noble announced […]
Meet the College Dream Team at Mansueto High School
College readiness is at the top of both staff and students’ minds at Mansueto High School on a daily basis. As the newest school in the Noble network, Mansueto has graduated three classes—and it’s growing rapidly. With over 1,000 scholars […]