Opening the Door for Opportunities and Creating Community at Butler College Prep

This is part of a series of blogs from Noble campus representatives to give a deeper look at campus life.

Through creating a sense of true belonging and community and providing best-in-class college counseling, Butler College Prep is redefining the educational […]

March 31st, 2022|Categories: 2022, Butler College Prep, Campus Life, College at Noble, Staff, Students|

Applications Open for Diverse Leaders Fellowship at Noble Schools

Applications are now open for this year’s Diverse Leaders Fellowship (DLF) at Noble Schools. DLF is Noble’s longest-running leadership program, having nurtured a village of over 120 fellows and mentors since 2018.

This 9-month-long program is designed to identify and invest […]

Noble Schools’ Alumni Share Their Pandemic Experience

Alumni of Noble Schools are resilient, thoughtful, and determined to reach their goals. While the pandemic has hit us all with struggles and hardships, our alumni have adapted and continued to push for their dreams and the health […]

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