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Results from Noble Schools’ 2023 Family Experience Survey

This graphic has a photo in the background of students, staff, and parents entering the front doors of a Noble campus. On top of the photo is a dark blue transparent layer. On top of that layer is yellow and white text that reads "Family Experience Survey Executive Summary, School Year 2023". The Noble Schools logo is in the bottom right corner.
Published On: May 8th, 2023Categories: 2023, Anti-Racism Commitment, Equity at Noble, Parents

Translations available:


The Family Experience Survey aims to consistently elevate the parent and family voice.

As we continue to become an antiracist organization, we must integrate the voice of Noble families into our work. The data in this document is for all Noble Schools. Campus-specific data will be shared in PAC meetings throughout the Spring. Here, we outline what we heard from our families across all of our schools about how we are executing our shared mission and values.


A total of 3,886 family respondents provided critical feedback.

Pie chart shows percentages of respondents based on their race/ethnicity: 49% Latinx, 44% Black, 1% Multiracial, 2% White and 1% Asian


50% identified as Latinx, 44% as Black, 2% as Multiracial, 1% as White, and 1% as Asian

Pie chart shows percentage of parent/guardian respondents based on what grade their oldest child is in: 23% had a child in the 10th grade, 25% had a child in the 11th grade, 25% had a child in the 12th grade, 24% had a child in the 9th grade, and 3% either has a child in middle school or did not report


The grade level of respondents’ oldest children were evenly split across the high school grades.

3% of responses were from Middle School parents, which is about the same proportion of middle school students in the network (2.4%).

The survey consisted of questions on the topics listed below.

Here are some of the themes:

Graphic shows that nearly 9 out of 10 Noble Schools' families agree that their child's school provides a predictable and consistent culture


Nearly 9 in 10 families agree that their child’s school culture is predictable, consistent, and promotes learning.

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families, 7 of the 10 are in blue, 3 are in yellow, showing that over 7 in 10 families indicate that they feel administrators create a school environment that helps their children learn.


Over 7 in 10 families feel administrators create a school environment that helps their children learn.

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families. 6 of them are blue and 4 of them are yellow, showing that 6 out of 10 families believe their child generally feels safe at school


The majority of families worry about violence in schools; however, over 6 in 10 families believe their child generally feels safe in school.

Graphic shows 4 person icons, representing 4 families. 3 of the icons are blue and one of the icons is yellow. This represents that 3 in 4 families at Noble Schools feel like their school is preparing their student for their next academic year.


3 in 4 families feel their school is preparing their student for their next academic year.

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families, 8 of the 10 are in blue, 2 are in yellow, showing that over 8 in 10 families at Noble Schools have at least one trusted staff member at their child’s school.


Over 8 in 10 families have at least one trusted staff member at their child’s school.

This bar graph has five different segments in it, each with two bars – a yellow bar and a blue bar sitting right on top of each other. The five segments are labeled with the five different indicators Noble Schools’ Family Experience Survey measured: Accountability and Culture, Family Engagement, School Climate, School Fit, and School Safety. The blue bar on top in each segment represents the results from last school year (the 2021-2022 school year). The yellow bar right below the blue bar represents the results from this year (the 2022-2023 school year). To the right of each bar, there is text that shows the percentage score of favorability for each measured indicator. For Accountability and Culture, the favorability score in the 21-22 school year was 89.9 percent and it was 87.7 percent for the 22-23 school year. For Family Engagement, the favorability score in the 21-22 school year was 32.9 percent and it was 34 percent for the 22-23 school year. For School Climate, the favorability score in the 21-22 school year was 68.6 percent and it was 70.4 percent for the 22-23 school year. For School Fit, the favorability score in the 21-22 school year was 61.3 percent and it was 67.9 percent for the 22-23 school year. For School Safety, the favorability score in the 21-22 school year was 59.5 percent and it was 59.4 percent for the 22-23 school year.

Most question topics had similar favorability as the previous year, with the exception of School Fit, which increased over 6% in favorability – which we define as answering “strongly agree” or “agree” to a question. The lowest topic favorability was once again Family Engagement at 34% (1.1% higher than the previous year), and the highest was again Accountability & Culture at 87.7% (2.2% lower than the previous year).

Within School Safety, parents are worrying less about violence at school than last year (3.3% higher than the previous year) but report that their child feels more unsafe than last year (6.1% lower than the previous year), though the favorability for children feeling safe was still higher than parents’ worrying (64.3% vs 37.9%).

Next Steps

  1. This document has outlined the data for all families at all schools. To understand the school-specific data, every Principal will be hosting a Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting this Spring. Contact your school for more information.
  2. On April 20, during our Parent Leadership Series, we shared more information about the Network-wide responses to all of the feedback we’ve collected.
  3. The Public Affairs team will recommend final Family Experience goals for our commitments in the Noble Identity Framework that will guide our work in School Year 2024.


La Encuesta de experiencia familiar tiene como objetivo elevar constantemente la voz de los padres y la familia.

A medida que continuamos convirtiéndonos en una organización antirracista, debemos integrar la voz de las familias de Noble en nuestro trabajo. Los datos en este documento son para todas las Escuelas Noble. Los datos específicos del campus se compartirán en las reuniones del PAC durante la primavera. Aquí, describimos lo que escuchamos de nuestras familias en todas nuestras escuelas sobre cómo estamos ejecutando nuestra misión y valores compartidos.


Un total de 3,886 familiares encuestados proporcionaron comentarios críticos.


50% identificados como latinos, 44% como negros, 2% como multirraciales,1% como blancos y 1% como asiáticos


El nivel de grado de los hijos mayores de los encuestados se dividió de manera uniforme entre los grados de la escuela secundaria. El 3% de las respuestas fueron de padres de escuela intermedia, que es aproximadamente la misma proporción de estudiantes de escuela intermedia en la red (2.4%).

La encuesta consistió en preguntas sobre los temas enumerados a continuación.

Graphic shows that nearly 9 out of 10 Noble Schools' families agree that their child's school provides a predictable and consistent culture


Casi 9 de cada 10 familias están de acuerdo en que la cultura escolar de sus hijos es predecible, consistente y promueve el aprendizaje.

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families, 7 of the 10 are in blue, 3 are in yellow, showing that over 7 in 10 families indicate that they feel administrators create a school environment that helps their children learn.


Más de 7 de cada 10 familias sienten que los administradores crean un entorno escolar que ayuda a sus hijos a aprender.

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families. 6 of them are blue and 4 of them are yellow, showing that 6 out of 10 families believe their child generally feels safe at school


La mayoría de las familias se preocupan por la violencia en las escuelas; sin embargo, más de 6 de cada 10 familias creen que sus hijos generalmente se sienten seguros en la escuela.

Graphic shows 4 person icons, representing 4 families. 3 of the icons are blue and one of the icons is yellow. This represents that 3 in 4 families at Noble Schools feel like their school is preparing their student for their next academic year.


Tres de cada cuatro familias sienten que su escuela está preparando a su estudiante para el próximo año académico.

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families, 8 of the 10 are in blue, 2 are in yellow, showing that over 8 in 10 families at Noble Schools have at least one trusted staff member at their child’s school.


Más de 8 de cada 10 familias tienen al menos un miembro del personal de confianza en la escuela de su hijo.

La mayoría de los temas de preguntas tuvieron una preferencia similar a la del año anterior, con la excepción de Aptitud Escolar, que aumentó más del 6% en términos de favorabilidad, lo que definimos como responder “totalmente de acuerdo” o “de acuerdo” a una pregunta. La favorabilidad temática más baja fue nuevamente Participación Familiar, con 34% (1.1 % más que el año anterior), y la más alta fue nuevamente Responsabilidad y Cultura con 87.7% (2.2% más bajo que el año anterior).

Dentro de Seguridad Escolar, los padres se preocupan menos por la violencia en la escuela que el año pasado (3.3% más que el año anterior), pero informan que su hijo se siente más inseguro que el año pasado (6.1% menos que el año anterior), aunque la favorabilidad de la seguridad escolar para los niños seguía siendo superior a la preocupación de los padres (64.3% frente a 37.9%).


  1. Este documento ha resumido los datos para todas las familias en todas las escuelas. Para comprender los datos específicos de la escuela, cada director organizará una reunión del Consejo Asesor de Padres (PAC) esta primavera. Comuníquese con su escuela para obtener más información.

  2. El 20 de abril, durante nuestra Serie de liderazgo para padres, compartiremos más información sobre las respuestas de toda la red a todos los comentarios que hemos recopilado.

  3. El equipo de Asuntos Públicomendará objetivos finales de Experiencia Familiar para nuestros compromisos en el Marco de Identidad Noble, que guiará nuestro trabajo en el año escolar 2024.


“家庭体验调查”(Family Experience Survey)旨在持续提升父母和家庭的话语权。随着我们继续成 为一个反种族主义组织,我们必须将Noble家庭的声音融入我们的工作。本文件中的数据适用于所 有“Noble学校”(Noble Schools)。校园特定数据将于整个春季期间在“家长咨询委员会”(PAC)会 议中分享。在这里,我们概述了我们从我们所有的学校的家庭那里听到的、关于我们在执行我们的 共同使命及价值观方面做得如何的意见。




50%认同为拉丁美洲人,44%认同为黑人,2%认同为多种 族,1%认同为白人,及1%认同为亚洲人。


受访者的年龄最大孩子的年级水平平均分布于高中学校的 各个年级。3%的受访者来自初中学校学生的家长,这与 特许学校网络中的初中学校学生比例(2.4%)差不多。


Graphic shows that nearly 9 out of 10 Noble Schools' families agree that their child's school provides a predictable and consistent culture


近十分之九的家庭同意他们孩子的 学校文化可预测、始终一致,而且 促进学习。

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families, 7 of the 10 are in blue, 3 are in yellow, showing that over 7 in 10 families indicate that they feel administrators create a school environment that helps their children learn.


超过十分之七的家庭觉得学校 管理人员创建有助于他们孩子 学习的学校环境。

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families. 6 of them are blue and 4 of them are yellow, showing that 6 out of 10 families believe their child generally feels safe at school


大多数家庭担忧学校中的暴力; 然而,超过十分之六的家庭相信 他们的孩子在学校中总体上感觉 安全。

Graphic shows 4 person icons, representing 4 families. 3 of the icons are blue and one of the icons is yellow. This represents that 3 in 4 families at Noble Schools feel like their school is preparing their student for their next academic year.


四分之三的家庭觉得他们的学校正在 为他们的学生的下一学年做准备。

Graphic shows 10 person icons, representing 10 families, 8 of the 10 are in blue, 2 are in yellow, showing that over 8 in 10 families at Noble Schools have at least one trusted staff member at their child’s school.


超过十分之八的家庭在他们孩子的学 校中至少有一位值得他们信赖的工作 人员。

大多数问题的课题的赞同率与上一年相似,除了“学校合适程度”之外,而“学校 合适程度”的赞同率增加了6% – 我们将之定义为对一问题回答“强烈同意”或“同 意”。最低的课题赞同率再次为“家庭参与”,为34%(比上一年高1.1%),而最 高的课题赞同率再次为“问责制及文化”,为87.7%(比上一年低2.2%)。 在“学校安全”范围内,与去年相比,家长们较少担忧学校中的暴力(比上一年 低3.3%),但他们报告说他们的孩子感觉比去年更不安全(比上一年低6.1%) ,虽然孩子感觉安全的赞同率还是高于家长的担忧(64.3%对37.9%)。


  1. 本文件概述了所有学校的 所有家庭的数据。为理解学校 特定数据,每位校长将在这个 春季主持一“家长咨询委员会” (PAC)会议。请与您的学校 联系,以获知更多信息。
  2. 在4月2日,在我们的“家长 领导系列”(Parent Leadership Series)期间,我们将分享更多 关于整个特许学校网络对我们 所收集的所有反馈的回应。
  3. “公共事务小组”(Public Affairs team)将为我们 在“Noble身份认同框架” (Noble Identity Framework) 中的承诺建议最终的“家庭 体验”(Family Experience) 目标,这些目标将引导我们 在“2024学年”的工作。

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