Gary Comer College Prep Pushes Past the Summer Slump
This is part of a series of blogs from Noble campus representatives to give a deeper look at campus life.
Throughout the vibrant halls of Gary Comer College Prep, you will find many adults who are investing […]
Over 2000 Students Attend Noble’s 13th Annual College Fair
Last month, over 2000 students across all 18 Noble campuses logged on to the 13th annual Noble College Fair to hear from prospective colleges and universities across the United States. This was the second time the fair has […]
Opening the Door for Opportunities and Creating Community at Butler College Prep
This is part of a series of blogs from Noble campus representatives to give a deeper look at campus life.
Through creating a sense of true belonging and community and providing best-in-class college counseling, Butler College Prep is redefining the educational […]
Johnson College Prep Students and Parents Are Going to College for Free
Students and parents at Johnson College Prep were overjoyed at the end of February, after an announcement that they would get to go to college debt-free, thanks to the support of Hope […]